What does flushing a central heating system mean?
Over time, many central heating systems will gather debris and other unwanted materials throughout the various radiators and pipes in your home. As your system is always drawing in and circulating water, it is highly likely that your system will have at least some debris inside over sustained operation.
When this build-up becomes too great, the performance of your system can be adversely affected, resulting in loss of performance, unreliable heating, and other issues such as unwanted noise from your boiler or cold spots across individual radiators. This can be avoided through the process of flushing your system.
In brief, flushing a central heating system is the process of emptying the system of water and cleaning the interior. There are a number of ways to achieve this, the most common of which is ‘Powerflush’, which uses a device to do the vast majority of the work. Otherwise, you’ll need to manually flush the system yourself, which we will guide you through in this guide.